Colin Firth once said, "We all know the dangers of sequels. Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place too often, and I think you've got to move beyond it, go the extra mile and have the courage not to just repeat the first one."

At first, we thought: "The first campaign had five different locations, a huge production... how are we going to top that?" So, we took the slash (/) in the Renuar logo and built it to a size of 10 feet. That will make it.

this huge structure, has became our "living billboard."

we used our signature technique, duplication, to showcase the entire collection.

We chose "Higher Love" by Whitney Houston and had Ran Danker sing it. The connection was easy - a huge, high structure where the models are climbing on it.

Happily, that was not one of those bad sequels, but a start of a new era for Renuar.